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To be a beacon of hope to all uOttawa students by reflecting the character of Christ through service at school and the community at large


D'Être un phare d’espoir pour tous les étudiants d’uOttawa en reflétant le caractère du Christ à travers le service sur le campus et à dans la communauté.



To establish and maintain a Seventh-day Adventist presence at uOttawa, by promoting one’s spiritual growth, and by providing students with a welcoming, supportive atmosphere where they can comfortably share their views and beliefs


D'Établir et maintenir la présence des Adventistes du Septième Jour à uOttawa en encourageant la croissance personnelle spirituelle et en offrant aux étudiants une atmosphère chaleureuse et empathique où ils peuvent partager confortablement leurs points de vue et leurs croyances

Church on Campus

Church on Campus is a time where we can gather together to publicly and openly worship God our Creator while at the same time, earnestly seek His blessing on our campus, its faculty, students & staff! This is the pinnacle event of the academic year! It features dynamic preaching, uplifting praise & worship, compassion outreach, fellowship, delicious food and a unique experience with Christ! 


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Global Youth Day

Every year, on the 3rd Sabbath in March, we join millions of Seventh-day Adventist Young People from around the world in reaching out to our families, friends and neighbours to care for them as Christ would! We do this under the mantra: Be The Sermon! This small act is the first step in shining a light for Christ in this world! Follow us on social media to keep up to date with our ministry in regards to Global Youth Day!

Social & Volunteer Oppurinties 

Whether it is reaching out to vulnerable communities, volunteering together, working to support one another or even just meeting to enjoy each other's company, we believe it is extremely important that everyone belongs in our family! If you'd like to know what we're doing next and like to be a part of it, click the button! 

Bible Study

We have regular meetings every Friday from 7 pm to 9 pm. We are joined by students of many different cultures, viewpoints and perspectives to have informative, fact-based and spiritually uplifting discussions about topics that affect students in their individual journeys! 

ACF Eastern Ontario Retreat

This is a yearly retreat that happens at the beginning of every school year! Where university aged student can go away for the weekend and learn more about God and themselves while being surrounded by nature. It is truly a one of a kind experience, hard to explain, you should just come and check it out for ourselves ;)

Pastoral Support

If you feel the need to contact someone outside of the Lighthouse ACF chapter, for either support or for any questions you might have, please feel free to contact our provincial youth director or the co-chair of the province-wide ACF committee


ACF Co-Chair:

Youth Director Pastor John Scott: 

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